MAI FM Legacy: A Pinnacle Achievement
The principals of MANA TAIAO regard their involvement and management of iwi-owned commercial radio station MAI FM in Auckland as being amongst their finest achievements. MAI FM has operated profitably almost since its inception and consistently featured in the top three Auckland commercial stations for audience share and had almost complete command of the Polynesian youth audience. It was formerly the only wholly-owned New Zealand commercial radio station operating in the crowded Auckland market. The interests in MAI FM have now been sold but the spirit, energy, and flair with which that organisation was operated remain very much in the personal philosophies of MANA TAIAO’s principals.
Waka Tohu: A Major Research Initiative
The major research project led by MANA TAIAO is Waka Tohu. This four-year $1.5m project took place between 2004 and 2007 and was led by MANA TAIAO in association with MANAAKI WHENUA – LANDCARE RESEARCH. Other project collaborators include the Federation of Māori Authorities (FOMA); Nelson-based WAKATU Inc., TRADE AND ENTERPRISE; NZTE and the TE WHARE WANANGA O WAIKATO – the University of Waikato.
STREAMCOM: Technical Prowess for MANA TAIAO and MAI FM
The technical support and high-tech research expertise for MANA TAIAO and for MAI FM are provided by the associated company STREAMCOM. STREAMCOM has been responsible for many of the innovative communications solutions that keep iwi radio in general at the top of the technical communication tree.
Present Development Projects
Other projects currently in development include aquaculture – eel and koura farming, flax plantations, alternative energy sources, textile development, innovative cultural tourism, and Māori Economic Development Projects.
Philanthropy and Social Engagement
Philanthropic activities include involvement and support for the World Wide Fund for Nature (NZ) , Women’s Refuge , the Salvation Army , and the Baby James Charitable Trust. MANA TAIAO is actively pursuing a role for itself in attempting to assist in the battle against Diabetes amongst Māori.
Future Aspirations: Leading the Way for Māori Organisations
WHERE DO YOU SEE IT GOING? Mana Taiao aspires to be the leading Māori Organisation operating in their particular fields of expertise.
Technical Support and High-Tech Research
The technical support and high-tech research expertise for MANA TAIAO and for MAI FM are provided by the associated company STREAMCOM. STREAMCOM has been responsible for many of the innovative communications solutions that keep iwi radio in general at the top of the technical communication tree.